My favorite weather is the autumn in Hanoi. When I wake up in the morning, I feel a bit cold. I go outside and realize that everything seems paint by grey and white colors, which are my favorite colors. It makes me feel refresh and excited at the same time. I know the autumn is approaching. The autumn in Hanoi comes so quickly and last not so long, just for two months. It is just a bit cold and foggy in the morning and it is similar to South California’s morning. It get colder in the evening, so it is time to enjoy so many delicious food for supper such as: sticky rice, young rice, corn, many kinds of cakes and grill sweet potato. Yummy : ) I don't like it when the sunshine is too much because it make me feel dizzy easily. And i hate rain, it make me feel so sad. When it was raining for whole week, it was just so depress. The autumn is just perfect, not so cold and also not so hot. Here is young rice
Everyone has their own fear, but how to overcome it is not easy thing to do. I will tell you my old common fear and how I faced it. When I was a child, I used to scared of dog. Because I had some bad experience, I was bitten by a big scary dog more than ten years ago. My family went to visit my father's friend house, and we spent night there. My father's friend had a nice house, and he had three dogs at that time. Two of them was a huge dog (for me at that time they were huge), and they always barked and stared at me. It made me feel extremely nervous, so I didn't dare to stay alone with them. However,I went outside the house at night to do some errands for my mom, I was bitten and had a scar on my leg. From that time, whenever I was near any kind of big dog, I felt uneasy and remember the time I was bitten. After few years, my little cousin and I went out together near my grandmother's house. We saw a scary dog, I started running immediately. The dog had his chain, so he couldn't chase me, but I didn't know that. When my cousin felt so tired of running, she asked me: " Can we stop? The dog is far away." After that, she showed me how she cuold walk pass by a dog calmly. I realized even a little girl like my cousin could be fearless, so why I couldn't. From that time, I tried to control my nervous and be calmer whenever I saw a dog. My fear was slowly disappear, so was my scar. Now thinking back about it, I was not just overcome my childish fear, I also knew to how to face problems. Sometime you just need to breath deeply, take a nice walk to calm yourself and try to figure out the problem, you can face your problem. What happend in the past, it will stay in the past. You just need cherish your happiness moments, and forget your hurtful parts. It will be better to overcome your fear step by step than living together with it.
My new year resolution is not quite interesting, but I still need to complete it. Frist, I want to get enough scores for both Toefl and GMAT. I want to apply for a graduate school this year. I am not confident about it, but I will do my best no matter what. It is my biggest goal for this year. My GMAT class just started last week. It was so hard and tough class, so I was so scared about taking GMAT test. I hope I can improve my English, so I can pass GMAT. Besides that, I want to travel around US and have a chance to know more about American culture. Because traveling helps me have more life experiences and see how the world is. If I have enough money, I will travel around the world. But before I can do that, I need to study hard to pass TOEFL and GMAT. And I can go to graduate school, so I will make a lot of money ^ ^. Last but not least I want to learn to drive and have a driving license. It will make my life in here more comfortable and convenient.
Hi, my name is Lien. I am from Hanoi Vietnam. May be I am the only Vietnamese from Hanoi. I met many Vietnamese students here, but most of them came from Ho Chi Minh city. Frist I will tell you about my hobby and my favorited things. I like watching TV, chatting with my friends, sleeping. My favorited colors are white, gray, blue and black. I love cat so much. I have a 11 years old cat at home. He is so old now. I think of my cat as my own brother. Next, I will tell you something about my life. I graduated from Hanoi Law University, and my major was business law. I wanted to improve my English, so I decided to study abroad. I was so scared when I came to US 3 months ago. Everything was new for me. I live with my host family. My host helped me a lot, so I could adapt to my new life pretty well. Thank for her kindness. By living in a new contry, I believe I will have more knowledge, life experiences and new friends.
Today, I want to introduce a new friend. Her name is Vivi. She comes frome North East, China. She graduated in China last year. Her major was finance. Isn't it cool? She came to US to apply for MBA, but she changed her mind. Now she wants to apply for Economics. Vivi lives in the appartment near our campus. And she doesn't have any pet, but she loves dogs. She likes watching movie, listenning to music and singing. If you don't want to go to karaoke alone, you should ask Vivi. May be you guys can go together, because Vivi likes going to karaoke. Nice to meet you, Vivi.