Saturday, March 27, 2010


PRESTON, I. (2010). Interaction of Law and Ethics in Matters of Advertisers' Responsibility for Protecting Consumers. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 44(1), 259-264. doi:10.1111/j.1745-6606.2010.01166.x.

Preston stated that law and business ethics have a close relationship, so advertisers should follow ad regulations and business ethics at the same time. When you violate the regulations, you can be punished. But if you do nor follow the ethics, you just receive the social disapproval. Because of that, advertisers usually just follow the law and forget about ethics. The ad law cannot cover all fields of advertising, so lacking ethics can help advertisers take advantage of customers. Business ethics can cover more fields than regulations, so teaching ethics to advertisers is necessary. But it will require a long time to change people's behaviours and opinions. Therefore, strengthening the ad law can be an efficient solution in the short time. I want to prove that we should make a stronger ad law to prevent the false advertising is an efficient way.
I read Quynh and Sireesha's posts.

1 comment:

  1. This is interesting. Do you mean new laws in America or your country?
